
英雄联盟手游塞恩技能怎么连招-塞恩技能连招攻略 英雄联盟塞恩技能介绍



As one of the most popular champions in League of Legends, Senna has finally made her way to the mobile version of the game. With her unique abilities and gameplay, mastering her skills can be quite challenging. In this article, we will discuss how to use Senna's abilities to their fullest potential and execute effective combo attacks.

英雄联盟手游塞恩技能怎么连招-塞恩技能连招攻略 英雄联盟塞恩技能介绍(图1)

Senna's Abilities

Before we dive into the combos, let's take a quick look at Senna's abilities:

  1. Piercing Darkness: Senna's basic attack heals her and nearby allies while dealing damage to enemies.
  2. Last Embrace: Senna fires a beam that roots the first enemy hit and explodes after a short delay, dealing damage to all nearby enemies.
  3. Cursed Mist: Senna creates a mist that grants her and her allies camouflage and increases their movement speed. Enemies inside the mist are slowed and cannot see beyond it.
  4. Dawning Shadow: Senna fires a global beam that damages enemies and shields allies. The beam deals more damage and provides a larger shield for each enemy and ally hit.


Now that we know Senna's abilities, let's discuss some effective combo attacks:

英雄联盟手游塞恩技能怎么连招-塞恩技能连招攻略 英雄联盟塞恩技能介绍(图2)

1. Poke Combo

Use Piercing Darkness to heal yourself and damage the enemy, followed by Last Embrace to root them in place. Finish the combo with another Piercing Darkness to deal additional damage and heal yourself again.

英雄联盟手游塞恩技能怎么连招-塞恩技能连招攻略 英雄联盟塞恩技能介绍(图3)

2. Burst Combo

Start with Last Embrace to root the enemy, then use Cursed Mist to slow them down and create a safe zone for yourself. Follow up with Piercing Darkness to deal damage and heal yourself, and finish with Dawning Shadow to deal massive damage and shield yourself and your allies.

3. Chase Combo

Use Cursed Mist to increase your movement speed and hide from the enemy. Once you get close enough, use Last Embrace to root them and Piercing Darkness to deal damage and heal yourself. If the enemy tries to escape, use Dawning Shadow to finish them off.


Senna is a versatile champion with a variety of abilities that can be used in different ways. By mastering her combos and understanding her strengths and weaknesses, you can become a formidable opponent on the battlefield. Remember to communicate with your team and coordinate your attacks to maximize your effectiveness. Good luck!



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