
英雄联盟手游曙光女神怎么出装 英雄联盟曙光女神技能连招



As one of the most popular champions in League of Legends, Dawnbringer Riven has now made her way into the world of mobile gaming. With her powerful abilities and stunning appearance, she has quickly become a fan favorite in League of Legends: Wild Rift. In this article, we will discuss how to build Dawnbringer Riven for success on the battlefield.

Early Game (Levels 1-6)

During the early game, your main focus should be on farming and harassing your opponent. Start with a Doran's Blade for added sustain and damage. Your first item should be Black Cleaver, which will help you shred through your opponent's armor and increase your damage output. For boots, choose Mercury Treads for added magic resistance and tenacity. If you find yourself struggling against an AD-heavy team, consider building a Ninja Tabi instead.

  1. Start with Doran's Blade for added sustain and damage.
  2. Build Black Cleaver as your first item for armor shred and increased damage output.
  3. Choose Mercury Treads or Ninja Tabi for boots based on your opponent's team composition.

Mid Game (Levels 7-12)

By now, you should have completed your Black Cleaver and boots. Your next item should be Death's Dance, which will give you added sustain and damage reduction. After that, build Guardian Angel for added survivability and to give you a second chance in team fights. If you find yourself struggling against a mage-heavy team, consider building Maw of Malmortius instead of Guardian Angel.

  1. Build Death's Dance for added sustain and damage reduction.
  2. Complete your build with Guardian Angel for added survivability.
  3. Consider building Maw of Malmortius against mage-heavy teams.

Late Game (Levels 13-18)

During the late game, your focus should be on team fights and split pushing. Your final item should be either Sterak's Gage or Ravenous Hydra, depending on your playstyle. Sterak's Gage will give you added survivability and damage, while Ravenous Hydra will give you added wave clear and lifesteal. Remember to use your ultimate, Blade of the Exile, to deal massive damage in team fights and secure kills.

  1. Choose between Sterak's Gage or Ravenous Hydra for your final item.
  2. Use Blade of the Exile to deal massive damage in team fights.



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