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As one of the most popular champions in League of Legends, Diana has also made her way into the mobile version of the game, Wild Rift. She has been a popular pick in the mid lane due to her high burst damage and mobility. In this article, we will discuss how to build Diana in Wild Rift as well as some tips on how to play her effectively.

Starting Items

When playing Diana in the mid lane, it is recommended to start with a Corrupting Potion and a Doran's Ring. The Corrupting Potion provides sustain and helps you stay in lane longer, while the Doran's Ring gives you some extra mana and ability power. This will allow you to poke and harass your opponent while also farming minions.

Core Items

1. Rod of Ages - This item provides Diana with health, mana, and ability power. It also has a passive that grants additional health, mana, and ability power over time. This item is a great choice for Diana as it gives her the sustain she needs to survive in team fights.

2. Nashor's Tooth - This item provides Diana with attack speed, ability power, and cooldown reduction. It also has a passive that grants bonus magic damage on-hit. This item is great for Diana as it allows her to deal more damage with her basic attacks and reduces the cooldown of her abilities.

3. Zhonya's Hourglass - This item provides Diana with armor, ability power, and a unique active that allows her to become invulnerable for a short period of time. This item is great for Diana as it allows her to engage in team fights and survive while dealing damage.

Situational Items

4. Morellonomicon - This item provides Diana with ability power, mana, and grievous wounds. It is a great choice against champions that rely on healing, such as Soraka or Dr. Mundo.

5. Rabadon's Deathcap - This item provides Diana with a large amount of ability power. It is a great choice if you are ahead and want to deal even more damage.

6. Void Staff - This item provides Diana with magic penetration. It is a great choice against teams that are building magic resistance.

7. Banshee's Veil - This item provides Diana with magic resistance and a passive that blocks a single enemy ability. It is a great choice against teams with heavy crowd control or burst damage.


Overall, Diana is a strong mid lane champion in Wild Rift. By building the right items, you can maximize her potential and deal massive amounts of damage. Remember to always stay aware of your surroundings and position yourself correctly in team fights. With practice, you can become a master of the moon and carry your team to victory!



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