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As a new addition to the League of Legends mobile game, Vi, the Piltover Enforcer, has become a popular choice among players. Her strong and aggressive playstyle makes her a great option for those who enjoy getting up close and personal with their enemies. In this article, we will discuss how to properly equip Vi with the best items and talents to ensure success on the battlefield.


When it comes to Vi's item build, there are a few key items that you should focus on. First and foremost, Trinity Force is a must-have for Vi. This item provides her with a significant boost in damage output, as well as increased mobility and attack speed. Black Cleaver is another great item for Vi, as it provides her with increased health and armor penetration. Additionally, Dead Man's Plate is a great choice for Vi, as it provides her with increased mobility and armor, making her more difficult to take down in team fights.


When choosing talents for Vi, it's important to focus on those that will enhance her strengths and make up for her weaknesses. For example, taking the Conqueror talent will provide Vi with increased damage output and sustain in extended fights. Additionally, the Brutal talent will increase her overall damage, while the Hunter talent will provide her with increased mobility and the ability to track down her enemies more easily.


When playing as Vi, it's important to remember that she is a very aggressive champion who excels at engaging in team fights and taking down high priority targets. To be successful with Vi, you need to be constantly on the move, looking for opportunities to engage and take down your enemies. Additionally, it's important to communicate with your team and coordinate your attacks, as Vi is most effective when working in tandem with her allies.


Overall, Vi is a strong and versatile champion who can be a valuable asset to any team. By equipping her with the right items and talents, and playing to her strengths, you can ensure that she is a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield. So if you're looking for a champion who can take on even the toughest opponents, look no further than Vi, the Piltover Enforcer.



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